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    21 Movie Reviews

    5 w/ Responses

    Realism be damned...

    It's a movie... it doesn't have to be realistic or even make sense, so long as it's entertaining. This one was ok... you've got some strong talent, but some parts were kind of choppy and the movie itself was a bit slow. Other than that, though, nice job.

    *sigh* sometimes, I wish 11 was an option...

    Seriously. The style, the artwork, the story, the character, even the voice acting (though not to as great a degree) were all incredible. The artwork and style are definately good enough (in my humble opinion) to be made into a real anime TV show. And while the character of the 2nd generation cop IS a little overused, I don't believe it'll detract from the story in any way so long as it fits the plot well. Seriously, great stuff. I can't wait for the next one. When you consider that this almost-TV-quality movie was done on flash for free... well, let's just say that it's on an entirely different quality scale than most of the other stuff on Newgrounds (I say most because this level of animation, while uncommon or even rare, is not unknown).

    No 6... huh...

    Well, I guess I'll just have to make due with rating it a 5. Seriosuly though, I love all the legendary Frog animations, and this one was no different. Great style, funny jokes, awesome graphics/animation, good voice acting, good scripting... I could go on, but I think you get the general idea. Awesome job (as always), keep it up.


    I'd just like to say: I love you! Seriously, do you have any idea how long I've waited to see anyone submit a flash that has a joke that actually makes one think? Great style, graphics, and good choice of theme. At first it seemed so serious that it only added to the suprise at the end when the punchline finally hit. The voice acting could use some work... but I've heard a lot worse, and I can't expect something as home-made as flash to have Bruce Willis's voice as the main character. Anyway, great job and keep submitting. I'm not a religious person, but everyone can appreciate a good joke once in a while, regardless of its base.

    Godlimations responds:

    woah! dude calm down heheh, well I am grateful that you have been patient for a cartoon like this :) I thank you for the feedback. Dude I like your positivity, and your constructive critisism, you are not only patient, but grateful for what has been given! well done! are you sure your not a Christian? :)

    Freakin' hilarious...

    Don't take me wrong, I don't agree with the war in Iraq and I'm perfectly aware that Canada really is the best place to live. I have seen Bowling for Columbine and enjoyed the movie... mostly because it was funny and he did make some good points. It was that movie that made me look up some of his other documentaries... and find myself disappointed. Either the man really does hate America and all its people (I've never once heard him make any distinctions between democrats and republicans, he just hates all government and government supporters) or (and I suspect this to be the case)he's making a lot of money out of people who just don't like the place they live in. Once again, there is nothing wrong with having your own opinion. Blasting someone, whether they be for or against Bush or Moore, simply for having that opinion is not only narrow-minded but proves that person to fit whatever bad image they are trying to paint of whoever they are insulting. I don't like the prospects of Kerry... don't really like Bush either. But here's the beauty: max amount of time Kerry can be pres = 8, for Bush it's now 4. This country is so economically strong and militarily powerful that no one, no matter how dumb, can manage to screw it up completely in 8 years. I would also like to point out that people who say bad things about Moore are no different than those who insult Bush. The man did not make the decision to go to war by himself, there nearly 300 other people involved with making and allowing that decision. Not only that, but he made it on faulty information from Intelligence. No matter what anyone says, war is sometimes necessary... and based on the information he had Bush made the best decision he could. I don't agree with that decision, but I don't blame him for it like others do. On the token, the bottom line is that he made a bad mistake when he simply announced the information given to him by Intelligence about WMDs even if he thought he was telling the truth. He shouldn't get another 4 years... but after doing some research on Kerry's career and decisions, I'd almost (I know I'm gonne get a bunch of inarticulate insults for this, but here it goes) prefer Bush. As it is, what I'm trying to say here is that insulting and making fun of people for their opinions is just proving yourself to be a lesser man/woman than the people you are making fun of. After all... if you claim you should be allowed to express your opinions without oppression or ridicule, shouldn't other be allowed too?

    5 isn't good enough....

    Seriously, dude... they should make a number 6 or 7 available just to vote for your flash. The animation was incredible, the sounds were awesome, the story was funny, and the action/fight scene was amazing. Overall, I'd say this is undoubtedly the best animated flash to ever hit Newgrounds (that I've seen). This is destined for the #1 spot in the top 50 and will stay there a hell of a long time. Even interactivity was good since you were decent enough to provide us with a deleted scene and a cool loader. Keep up the awesome work and send a letter to Cartoon Network with this clip so they can show it like they did that whole Starwars thing... or like MTV shows the Happy Tree friends every so often.

    Very well done...

    I can tell that you did your research, which is pleasing to see in any informative flash, and that you throught the whole idea through.The reason the US dropped the bomb is a sort of mix of 2. One is the massive amounts of casualties that the US suffered taking the islands... simply because the Japanese commanders orered their soldiers AND civilian to literally fight to the death. I bilieve the exact order was for every Japanese to kill 10 Americans or something similar. If the US had invaded Japan... every Japanese citizen would have died trying to kill as many American soldiers as possible... or at least most of the citizens (honor/duty was more valuable than life to them). The US didn't want the war to drag out like that... they couldn't afford for it to. Russia was advancing on the Japanese as a sort of US ally... on the condition that any land they took from Japan would become Russian land. Also, US secret services caught wind of new kinds of fighters and bombers in the works in Japan. It was confirmed several years later that Japan had been building a fleet of rocket fighters and bombers that would have destroyed any US carriers and ships coming in (flying too fast and igh to be hit by the time's ati-aircraft weaponry). In essense, the US would have been beaten back and the Japanese never would have surrendered. The US decided to instead strike fast and viciously with a weapon that they were sure would end the war without any of the above dfficulties (it's a hell of a lot faster to get a single bomber t Japan than several carrier groups). And BTW, no on in the US (not evn the makers of the bomb) had any idea how devastating it would be sice so far it had only been tested in deserts or oceans...

    PauLH responds:

    Wow, you say I did my research but you my friend, have mastered the situation! Alot of information that you said I never knew, wow, that is awesome. Russia was, like you said, sort of an ally (We all know the Cold War) and the US needed to end the war soon becuase if not more lives would die and more damage would happen. The atomic bomb did what it was intended to do, end the war. The cost was never imagined, you probably know the famous lines after the bomb was dropped, "What have we done?" which was said by crew member on the plane, i think.. Anyway, thank you for sharing so much information. I would look forward to you reviewing my future movies. Thank you for watching. ^_^

    Well Done...

    I don't care what everyone else says about everything on this flash being said to death, it was still quite profound and well put together. The speech itself was very impressive and would likely do well in a competition if you ever consider it. Anyway, everything there is to say about anything (if you think about) has already been "said to death". Even that little speech about this being said to death has been... well... said to death. Repetition is constant, so don't rant at other people for putting together a bunch of thoughts and ideas and putting their own opinion into it. After all, that's really all we are... a collection of thoughts and ideas. As for the rights to use Gir, this is a flash movie, not a published book or a TV cartoon. Copywrited characters are constantly used in other flashes all over newgrounds with or without the maker's permission. Get over it. I will say, though, that the end was pretty funny (if out of place). All in all, good job on the flash. And for all those ranters out there: try constructive critisism for once in your lives. It can't hurt.

    PS: Any abusive responses as towards my spelling or grammar can go shove it where the sun don't shine! I don't feel like using spellcheck.

    Da-Dinictus responds:

    Appearantly, you won't need it. I don't believe I've seen such a well set up text in quite some time for now.
    Actually, I used Gir Clock, a Crew member, so I merely used his character's image. Yes, it's been said to death, repetition always will remain. Can't stand it? Bring change in life as best you can.

    Great Stuff...

    It's kind of ironic, I love most of the clock movies and admire the clock crew for their comical creativity. They may be a bit old, but they still keep coming out with good high quality stuff (Hell of a lot bettr than some of the other shit that comes into the portal). Stuff that is in fact, almost exactly like this movie. This is where the irony comes in. In case nobody noticed, this WAS a clock movie. Nothing more, nothing less. And it was great. I liked it as much as I like almost any clock movie. The sound quality was more than a bit lacking, though. Other than that, I'd say this is one of the better movies to grace the portal. Bravo!

    PS: I don't understand why people just suddenly start hating on a prticular series only because it has consistent characters. It shouldn't matter who it's by or what it's about or what character designs it uses, if it's funny then it's funny if it's not then it's not. I don't know why you people have to bring all these new factors and factions into it.

    Clocks kick!

    That was hilarious, man. The whole phone survey idea was a little strange, but then, so is the whole damn website. I especially liked the guy's reactions to some of the questions, some of the expressions reminded me of anime character expressions. Anyway, good stuff, keep it up.

    PS: I think that's the first time I've ever seen a non-clock in a clock movie. Then again, I haven't watched that many, so who knows?

    I seek only enlightenment... and the occasional cheese pizza.

    Jorge @Ashenfist

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